Archive Poster : June 2024

What would you do to get back someone precious that you'd lost? What lengths would you go to to find your missing child, friend, spouse or parent? How far would you travel? How long would you look? What price would you pay?

The Bible says we have been lost to God - wayward, estranged, dead to him in our apathy and rejection. Yet he wouldn't let it be. He had to come find us. That is the story of Jesus - God come to earth to seek us, to beseech us, to be with us. That is the story of the cross - God come to earth to suffer like us and for us and our waywardness. That is the story of the empty tomb - God triumphant over death and suffering and our estrangement from him.

That is, as it says in the Bible in Ephesians 3:18, "how wide and long and high and deep the love of Christ is."

God has left no stone unturned to be reunited with you.

What is your response to God's deep and costly love for you? Isn't this self-sacrificing, persistent, genuine love exactly what you need and want?

Why not open your heart to God's wide, long, high and deep love for you in Christ right now?

PRAYER: Dear God, I want your love and I receive your love. I trust that Jesus Christ has come and died and risen to life to reunite me to you. Please help me to live trusting in you and your love from now on. Amen.

© Outreach Media 2024

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